99% of the time we shoot photos from the same place: standing height. Break out of the standard...
Techniques, photo prompts, tips and strategies for adding creative effects to your photography of individuals and couples. Ideas for prompting creativity in the field with clients.
Shoot in the dark (and don’t use a flash)
Low key photography is hugely popular and successful at the moment (a lot of competitions are...
Find the unexpected for a fast variety boost
Setting yourself apart from other photographers and booking clients who are attracted to your...
Using flash in your photography, on and off-camera
We’re continuing our adventures in flash this week, perhaps a little reversedly (that’s a word,...
How to take creative light painting photos for less than $15
If you’ve ever shot a wedding, you know that things can, and do, run over. Often it’s the romantic...
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The Promptographer Guide is organised into two curated Guides: Love Prompts and Family Prompts. Each of these contains five sets of free photo prompts, photo pose ideas and more.
Love prompts
Click one of the following to be taken to just the prompts in that set.
Family prompts
Click one of the following to be taken to just the prompts in that set.
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Active26 App1 Children25 Classic posing9 Couples29 Creative8 DIY1 Documentary29 Engagement18 Flash7 Gear1 High school senior9 Love32 Maternity17 Movement20 Newborn6 Photo prompt47 Playful25 Posing groups15 Posing hands4 Posing tips14 Teenagers11 Toddlers9 Tween14 Wedding29